What we offer

Trademark Registration

Are you afraid that others will steal your business name, logo, or slogan? Then you need a Trademark Registration.

Trademark Search

There are several types of Trademark Search: a knockout search and a comprehensive search. Which one do you want?

Statament of Use

The Statement of Use is the declaration that your trademark is currently in use in commerce.

Trademark Renewal

You must renew your Trademark every 10-year. You should show use of your trademark no later than the 6th-year.

Trademark Changes

The owner of a trademark may change for different reasons. Some trademark owners sell or transfer they trademark to others.

Trademark Page

We make your trademark business page searchable next to millions registered trademark brands offering you protection.

Our standard packages

Below you will find our standard packages.

Custom packages

We also offer custom packages for custom needs. If you are looking for a custom package
please contact us first by clicking here.

Become our partner

To become our partner contact us by clicking the button bellow
and complete the form. We'll get back to you asap.

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